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Crisis of Human Rights Activities Theory and Practice
Problem of the Liberal Rights and Freedoms Conceptualization and Crisis of the Human Rights Institutions Legitimacy
This article explores the prospects for theory and practice of the modern human rights protection. The author believes the human rights institutions to be currently in crisis mode because of their inability to overcome their dependence on the liberal doctrine of rights and freedoms being innate. This doctrine was imposed on the society as the only valid ideology that does not need any scientific verification or moral mediation and basically is a quasi-religious phenomenon. It was this very ideological and political dependence that caused the human rights movement to clash with the civil society and principles of democracy (as stated by the author) as well as split the human rights defenders into fundamentalists and postmodernists. Today, the human rights protection is the enforcing branch of government and a political subsystem, as it legitimizes and delegitimizes political subjects. The human rights institutions can retain their role in society by overcoming their dependence on liberal and other ideologies, abandoning the obsolete enlightenment concept of innate rights and acknowledging the priority of morality in the society.

Crisis of Human Rights Activities Theory and Practice
Marxism as a Project of Alternative Reformation
The article views the problem of Marxist heritage from the standpoint of social Christianity. The author urges to overcome the stereotype of considering Marxism as a conceptual and ideological antithesis to liberalism. The author considers it practicable and imperative that Marxism should be viewed as a socio-philosophical trend that had arisen within the framework of secularised Protestantism or cultural Protestantism. It can be considered more moderate than secular Protestant fundamentalism, whose political and economic ideology is based on liberalism. Having emerged in the cultural and intellectual field of the European Reformation and as its partial negation, Marxism can be described as a critical commentary on it. The goal of Marxism is to combine biblical (Abrahamic) values with the protestant values of Progress understood in a utilitarian way, thereby rejecting historical religions. According to the author, the Marxism programme was afflicted by internal contradictions and was therefore doomed to failure. The author goes on to declare the historical inevitability of the collapse of liberal capitalism and to justify his position from the standpoint of social Christianity.

Marxism as a Project of Alternative Reformation
Civilizational Racism and Reasonability of Historical Research Based on the Civilizational Approach
Intercultural and intercivilizational relations have always provoked discussion. Claims to the knowledge of the universal laws of society development and the exact location of the ‘right side of history’ are bound to generate a counter reaction in the face of demands for cultural and historical pluralism and respect for the right to individually interpret the historical process and the ways of progress. The two points of view seem to balance each other.
Civilizational Racism and Reasonability of Historical Research Based on the Civilizational Approach
On the New Fratelli tutti (All Brothers) Encyclical by Pope Francis
Report by the Scientific and Analytical Center of the World Russian People's Council Moscow, October 2020
Not being positioned as a specifically Catholic document, it is instead written in the style of global documents, is addressed to all mankind and holds discourse from the so-called non-confessional, universal positions. The Encyclical addresses the subjects of migration, economic injustice, international political instability and the increasing global intolerance.
On the New Fratelli tutti (All Brothers) Encyclical by Pope Francis
Ideology Rehabilitated
The year 2019 witnessed a historical stage that can be defined as the rehabilitation of ideology. The need for an open discussion of Russian ideology was clearly expressed in the presidential address to the Federal Assembly in January 2020. The taboo on discussing state ideology has been lifted, which means that the elites are ready to express themselves directly in a forthright conversation with the people.
Ideology Rehabilitated
Five Theses on the Bills on ‘Family and Domestic Violence’ Prevention in Russia
(‘Family Dissolution Law’)
Our whole country seems to be discussing bills on ‘family and domestic violence’ prevention. As of now, there are two projects, created by the State Duma deputies and Federation Council members, circulating on the internet. I am sure they will come out with more. Both projects reveal the same conceptual character, and both aim to make the family and family relations subject to legal regulation at the legislative level, that is, to allow third parties to interfere in the relationship of husband and wife. These bills have come to be called ‘family dissolution law’ or ‘Pavlik Morozov law’.
Five Theses on the Bills on ‘Family and Domestic Violence’ Prevention in Russia
Orthodox glamour and the dictatorial practices of the new bohemia
"Glamour is one of the key concepts of contemporary culture, yet it remains largely unexplored. Glamour falls into the category of taboo subjects. In the 1990s the needs of bosses (managers) came to set the society's agenda. Magazines, books and films were churned out to provide entertainment for this privileged class. This conspicuous trend was even more pronounced in Russia than in the West. Glamour became the discourse of the minority which the latter imposed on the majority..."
Orthodox glamour and the dictatorial practices of the new bohemia
Protest Rent
The confrontation (supposedly spontaneous) between anticlericals and religious persons is just one of the points of protest activity application in the Russian ‘non-systemic' politics. The opposition insists that there is a conflict between the authorities and the civil society it claims to be by putting forward demands on behalf of all citizens, whom it does not represent in fact. This is a false mediation...
Protest Rent
Euroexit and Russian Avant-Garde Traditionalism
For a long time, it had looked as if the European values had ended in the 1990s. ‘The End of history’ did not take place and it was allowed to further run its course. Everyone could guess the direction of this trend: rights, freedoms, technologies, information, multiculturalism... unless we are forgetting something from the liberal list...
Euroexit and Russian Avant-Garde Traditionalism
The threat of secular reformation is hanging over Orthodoxy. We have written about this more than once, but just a few years ago we could not have supposed that through the efforts of the Constantinople Patriarchate this threat would take on a completely new form, the form of Greco-Protestantism, about which we will speak more particularly below. The Russian Orthodox Church is at the moment not being accused of servility and phytelitsm, since against the background of the Ukrainian government’s interference in church life such accusations simply pale. Nevertheless, the general traits of many statements now coming from ideologists of religious reformation are the same as before – proposals to reorganize the entire church structure...
Orthodox Christianity
On the Concept of the Social Tradition
The article deals with a systemwide crisis that the liberal capitalist model of society is currently going through, and examines the archaization and ideological deconstruction of this pattern. The author considers the present to be a transition period. The author describes the synthesis of traditionalism and the ideas of the social justice – the Social Tradition – as the most likely alternative to neoliberalism in the near future. The continuity of such a model of society is based on the agreement between generations. From the author's point of view, abandoning the neo-colonial ideology of superiority and returning to the Christian tradition values are necessary for the shift in the development paradigm.
On the Concept of the Social Tradition
The New Russian Conservatism
"A state can only achieve the true sovereignty and world leadership, when its internal and external political agenda is consistent with its traditional national values. This is the main thesis of the article titled The New Russian Conservatism. These are the times of great changes: economic, social, religious, cultural and ideological. We live in the anticipation of the world reconstruction. What is the current state of the modern society? The 'end of history' promised by American political scientists did not occur. They made a mistake..."
The New Russian Conservatism